Thursday 17 April 2008

Comments from Camp last year

What did you think about camp last year?

Some students from Camp 2007 give their thoughts

Rowardennan is:
Very good, it’s such a banter!

The funniest thing I saw was:
Insects fighting.
When I got beat at draughts by a lassie!

What I enjoyed most at camp was:
The big couch in the meeting area where we all chilled out.
Going in Loch Lomond in my boxers!
Skimming stones in the loch.
Canoeing – it was fantastic.
Wild Art and making a dam.
Environmental Safari – fun, there are SO many plants.
Building a raft in Adventure.
Seeing the white deer on the island.

Comments ..
I would like to go back to camp in second year because it is really fun and it brings people closer together. You also get to do things you’ve never done before.

Targets (achieved)…
Faced some of my fears.

I got enough sleep!
I wasn't scared of bugs.
We worked as a team.
I gave 100% in my activities.
I had a go.