Monday 2 June 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Six

Going home....

Wednesday 28 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Five

It's the last morning and the drying room spews out its remains in a clothing carnage.... Meanwhile the girls go on a final ramble to the Loch's edge.

Monday 26 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Four

The last evening and a 'You've Been Framed' moment is followed by a marshmallow or two.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

A short break for the Video Diary

There's still lots more to come from the video diary, but the next update will not be until next Monday 26th May.

Thursday 15 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Three

Day one ends and blends into day two with even more drying room antics and tiddler catching...

Come back Monday 26th May for part 4

Wednesday 14 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Two

The story of S1 Camp 2008 Continues....

In this episode - Do you dare to go in....The Drying Room!!

Part 3 of the Video Diary tomorrow!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part One

Here it is! News from Camp at last!

It may well be after the event, but enjoy the exploits of our campers with this Video Diary. Come back for more tomorrow!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Anybody out there?

Well, the campers return tomorrow. We were hoping to receive texts to add to this blog, but obviously it's difficult to use a mobile phone if you've been applying sun tan lotion. This is the only rational explanation for the deafening silence. Lets hope for some bad weather next year eh?

The sun is an average star about 4.6 billion years old and about 93 million miles away.....

It's HUGE and this picture shows you just how big it is in relation to other planets in our solar system.

We will definitely have some news from camp tomorrow with the first reports, video clips and interviews from the last 3 days.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

No news yet, but here's a webcam

There have been no updates from our campers, but then why worry about blogging when you could be soaking up the sun and having a paddle in the Loch?

Webcam at Loch Lomond Webcam, Scotland

Tuesday 6 May 2008

We're off!!

The S1 Campers have left the building...... News of progress will follow soon!

Thursday 1 May 2008

Only a few days to go!

Excitement is building for our S1 Campers as the final preparations are made for departure on Tuesday 6th May. Our Camp Bloggers, Stephanie, Esme and Abigail will be recording a video diary while they are away and will be texting to this blog from Rowardennan itself.

Monday 28 April 2008

What are you looking forward to?

We asked some of this year's campers how they were feeling about going to camp and what they were looking forward to.

What I'm looking forward to is the gorge walk and all the banters in our rooms at night =]

What type of thing do teachers do at night???

I'm going and I'm really excited!

Im most looking forward to doing something different than school and being with my frends :)

I am going to camp & I am really excited to be out of school & having lots of fun !!! It's going to be a wee banter !

Friday 25 April 2008

How far do we travel and how long does it take?

Rowardennan is about 75 miles from Drummond and the journey will take about 2 hours.

This is a view of Inchailloch Island. Can you see the White Deer?

Here's some music to get you all misty eyed....

Thursday 24 April 2008

Blogging at Camp

Drumcast had a bit of a Blogging Breather over the long weekend, but is now back on the road to Rowardennan. The CampBlog Team have been thinking of ways in which the Blog could continue whilst at Loch Lomond. Unfortunately the Hostel no longer has a computer so this raises the question of 'How?' Well, we're working on it, but rest assured, one way or another, we'll keep the news coming.

Stay tuned for some more interviews and audio clips coming your way soon.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Comments from Camp last year

What did you think about camp last year?

Some students from Camp 2007 give their thoughts

Rowardennan is:
Very good, it’s such a banter!

The funniest thing I saw was:
Insects fighting.
When I got beat at draughts by a lassie!

What I enjoyed most at camp was:
The big couch in the meeting area where we all chilled out.
Going in Loch Lomond in my boxers!
Skimming stones in the loch.
Canoeing – it was fantastic.
Wild Art and making a dam.
Environmental Safari – fun, there are SO many plants.
Building a raft in Adventure.
Seeing the white deer on the island.

Comments ..
I would like to go back to camp in second year because it is really fun and it brings people closer together. You also get to do things you’ve never done before.

Targets (achieved)…
Faced some of my fears.

I got enough sleep!
I wasn't scared of bugs.
We worked as a team.
I gave 100% in my activities.
I had a go.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Please Return your Signed Code of Conduct

Thanks to all students who have returned their Code of Conduct. This has to be signed by both you and your parent/guardian and returned to your group tutor immediately. You cannot go to camp if you do not return this document.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Monday 14 April 2008

Information for Parents and Carers and the Code of Conduct

Preparations for Camp continue and you can follow the links below to view the latest Parent/Carer information letter and the Code of Conduct while on camp.

Sunday 13 April 2008

When is Camp this year?

S1 Camp runs from Tuesday 6th May until Friday 9th May. The location is on the Eastern shores of Loch Lomond at the Rowardennan Youth Hostel. The views across the Loch from the Hostel are beautiful and it really is an amazing and inspiring place.

Thursday 10 April 2008

The First Drummond S1 Campblog

This is the first Blog entry for the S1 Residential at Rowardennan 2008. Check back here daily to get the latest news.