Wednesday 28 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Five

It's the last morning and the drying room spews out its remains in a clothing carnage.... Meanwhile the girls go on a final ramble to the Loch's edge.

Monday 26 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Four

The last evening and a 'You've Been Framed' moment is followed by a marshmallow or two.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

A short break for the Video Diary

There's still lots more to come from the video diary, but the next update will not be until next Monday 26th May.

Thursday 15 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Three

Day one ends and blends into day two with even more drying room antics and tiddler catching...

Come back Monday 26th May for part 4

Wednesday 14 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part Two

The story of S1 Camp 2008 Continues....

In this episode - Do you dare to go in....The Drying Room!!

Part 3 of the Video Diary tomorrow!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Campblog Video Diary Part One

Here it is! News from Camp at last!

It may well be after the event, but enjoy the exploits of our campers with this Video Diary. Come back for more tomorrow!

Thursday 8 May 2008

Anybody out there?

Well, the campers return tomorrow. We were hoping to receive texts to add to this blog, but obviously it's difficult to use a mobile phone if you've been applying sun tan lotion. This is the only rational explanation for the deafening silence. Lets hope for some bad weather next year eh?

The sun is an average star about 4.6 billion years old and about 93 million miles away.....

It's HUGE and this picture shows you just how big it is in relation to other planets in our solar system.

We will definitely have some news from camp tomorrow with the first reports, video clips and interviews from the last 3 days.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

No news yet, but here's a webcam

There have been no updates from our campers, but then why worry about blogging when you could be soaking up the sun and having a paddle in the Loch?

Webcam at Loch Lomond Webcam, Scotland

Tuesday 6 May 2008

We're off!!

The S1 Campers have left the building...... News of progress will follow soon!

Thursday 1 May 2008

Only a few days to go!

Excitement is building for our S1 Campers as the final preparations are made for departure on Tuesday 6th May. Our Camp Bloggers, Stephanie, Esme and Abigail will be recording a video diary while they are away and will be texting to this blog from Rowardennan itself.